Join Sonia and Brian at BlogWorld 2010 (And Save With This Discount Code)  Sonia and I will be speaking again this year at BlogWorld in Las Vegas, October 14 – 16. This time we'll be doing a keynote presentation along with our friend Darren Rowse of Problogger. We're excited to be presenting together, and if we pull it off like we plan, it'll be educational and entertaining. Of course, the show is much bigger than the three of us, which is the real reason you should attend. BlogWorld & New Media Expo is the only trade show and conference created for the industry of blogging and new media. It gives participants the strategies, tools, and technologies they need to stake their claim in the blogosphere. Specifically, BlogWorld is all about creating content, getting it noticed, and achieving your goals – whether that be money, influence, or both. The even bigger draw is the networking, deal making, and good ol' fashioned camaraderie that happens in between the sessions. Not to mention what goes on at the parties. I've watched BlogWorld grow from its inception in 2007, and it keeps getting bigger and better. This year should be no different, and I'm especially stoked that the show will be held at Mandalay Bay this year instead of the convention center. And besides… everyone's gonna be there. Save 20% With This Promo Code Okay, here's what you're really looking for. Save 20% off the price of admission when you use this code: COPYBLOG Sign up for BlogWorld here, and we'll you in Vegas! Note: We are marketing and media partners with BlogWorld — it’s a good match. If you’d like to promote BlogWorld as an affiliate, check out the program here. About the Author: Brian Clark is founder of Copyblogger and co-founder of the writer-friendly Scribe SEO software. Get more from Brian on Twitter.

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