|  You know you're right, right? Everyone should fall in line and accept what you know in your heart to be true. Sorry, that's not how people work. So much of persuasive writing comes down to proof. And so many people fail at persuasion because they offer assertions without giving people reasons. So persuasive writers know to give reasons for everything. Here are the three most important reasons to tell readers why. 1. A Reason to Read This begins with your headline, and that's why headlines are so important. You can be cutesy or clever to satisfy your ego, or you can get you ideas absorbed and acted upon. Busy people need a reason to invest attention. Do you have one? 2. A Reason You're Different Why you and not the other options? If your product or service is better, say specifically why. Your winning difference in the minds of the people you're aiming at has to be distinct, clear, and believably better. Are you leading, or following? 3. A Reason to Believe Most of all, demonstrate, don't pontificate. What reasons work for you? What other reasons are you giving that work? About the Author: Brian Clark is founder of Copyblogger and CEO of Copyblogger Media. Get more from Brian on Twitter.

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